UK Registered Osteopath

– Joseph Manuel Ponce

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Reistered Osteopath London

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professional bio




London Based Osteopath
Medical Acupuncturist – Yoga Teacher


Manuel is a London based registered osteopath in practice since 1989

He began his body-work journey in 1980 teaching yoga at the London Sivananda Yoga Ashram after studying with Swami Vishnu Devananda

Discovering the evident power of body-work to heal and transform the whole person he went on to study osteopathy full-time at the now University College Of Osteopathy in London in 1985 

Since graduating in 1989 Manuel has practiced full time in South and East London. He has taught extensively as a guest lecturer and trainer in a number of osteopathic and yoga colleges, and currently also runs therapeutic yoga retreats at his home in central Spain


The Mind Body Connection: Finding Health In An Age Of Stress
The Mind Body Connection: Finding Health In An Age Of Stress

What Is The Mind Body Connection?Since the intention of this blog is to explore the many facets, practices and benefits of natural health and healing, it seems apt to begin our journey with a discussion of a central pillar of natural healing: the mind body connection...

treating baby with cranial osteopathy

Formal Qualifications

  • Yoga Instructor Sivananda 1980
  • DO in Ostepathy UCO 1989
  • Cranial Osteopathy STF / SCC 1991-98
  • Yoga Teacher / Trainer Sunra 2000
  • Adult Learning Facilitator C&G 2007
  • Medical Acupuncture Herts Uni 2014
  • Yoga Nidra Yoga Leela 2020
  • Distance Craniosacral CCST 2021

Post Grad

Manuel has made a special study of osteopathy in the cranial field, studying at various colleges including the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation and Sutherland Cranial College

Other formal post-grad training has included medical acupuncture (Herts Uni), advanced yoga teacher training (Sunra Yoga) and yoga nidra (Yoga Leela)

Most recently Manuel has trained in distance craniosacral integration with Thomas Atlee at his London-based College Of Craniosacral Therapy

Continual Professional Development

In accordance with statutory regulatory requirements Manuel has continually extended and updated his professional competencies, with areas of special interest including

  • Osteopathy in the cranial field
  • Cranial osteopathy for babies
  • Counselling skills & CBT
  • Biopsychosocial Model Of Health
  • Facilitating Learning In adults
  • Evidence-base for yoga as therapy
  • Movement neuroscience
  • Energy medicine
  • Distance craniosacral healing
The Mind Body Connection: Finding Health In An Age Of Stress

The Mind Body Connection: Finding Health In An Age Of Stress

What Is The Mind Body Connection?Since the intention of this blog is to explore the many facets, practices and benefits of natural health and healing, it seems apt to begin our journey with a discussion of a central pillar of natural healing: the mind body connection...

How will Manuel Treat Me?

Manuel works with people of all ages from newborns to the elderly, encompassing the full spectrum of osteopathic medicine

Spanning four decades in practice Manuel’s approach has evolved towards being less intrusive and more precise, focusing on discovering and resolving the fundamental issues underlying your symptoms to help you achieve optimal health

This is reflected in a natural shift from the structural model of direct joint and soft-tissue manipulation towards the more functional cranial osteopathic approach, where listening and responding allows for minimal intervention to yield big results

What To Expect From Your Osteopathic Session

If you’ve never experienced a cranial oriented osteopathic treatment, you may be wondering what to expect? Here’s a general outline of what typically happens during a session:

  1. History: Manuel will take a full case history, including your presenting symptoms and full medical history, current and past
  2. Hands-On Evaluation: Manuel will observe your posture and movements, as well as using gentle touch to evaluate your structure and form a diagnosis and treatment plan
  3. Osteopathic Treatment: Manuel uses the cranial approach preferentially. Cranial osteopathic treatment is extremely gentle, generally involving no more than light touch. Where a more direct approach to mobilizing stiff joints or relaxing tense muscles is indicated, Manuel will ensure that you understand any proposed procedure and obtain your informed consent before proceeding
  4. Post-Treatment Recommendations: After your session, Manuel may make  recommendations for self-care, such as exercises, stretches, or lifestyle modifications, to support the healing process and maintain the benefits of your treatment

Each session is tailored to your individual needs, and the number of sessions required will depend on factors including the nature and severity of your complaint

General Osteopathic Council

Manuel is registered as a full member of the General Osteopathic Council. The Council regulate the profession and set the osteopathic education and practice standards

Osteopathy in the UK enjoys statutory regulation and only members of the General Osteopathic Council are able to use the title “registered osteopath”. Manuel is listed in the register as

Joseph Manuel Ponce
GOsC Ref 1038

Book a cranial osteopathic consultation online
or contact Manuel via the online form
or WhatsApp, Signal: +44 7735 448588


The Light Centre
151-153 Clapham Hight Street
London SW4 7SS
Mob +44 7532671343
WhatsApp +44 7735448588


East Of Eden
Studio 1, 14 Hatherley Mews
London E17 4QP
Mob +44 7532671343
WhatsApp +44 7735448588


C/ De Mingo Ramos 22
10200 Trujillo (Ca)

Contact Manuel

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