UK Registered Osteopath

– Joseph Manuel Ponce

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Osteopathy

patient information & frequently asked questions
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a body-oriented therapy which works on your structure to provide the best physical environment for all your body systems to function optimally and thus improve your total health

Non Invasive, Effective & Safe

Osteopathy is a non-invasive, highly effective and very safe.

Osteopaths work to assist your body’s natural ability to heal itself and functional optimally, thus avoiding more invasive treatments with drugs or surgery

Osteopathy Treats The Whole person

Osteopaths work under the principle that symptoms result from multiple contributing factors and will therefore evaluate not only the symptomatic area, but also associated areas that may be contributing, such as past physical and emotional trauma, stress, diet and other environmental factors and your personal and family health history

This holistic approach allows osteopaths to get to the root of your symptoms for a more effective and lasting solution


Osteopaths receive a very rigorous training with a great emphasis on safety. Practitioners are trained to be aware of any potential risk and will assess the safety of any intervention and seek your informed consent before carrying out a procedure

Manuel uses the cranial approach preferentially. A treatment modality originally developed for treating the cranial mechanics, cranial osteopathy is a particularly gentle and safe and effective form of treatment which can be directed to any body area. Nonetheless, no intervention is 100% risk free:

Rarely, you may experience discomfort and other symptoms near to or at a distance from the area treated. This may be deemed a disadvantage, but is a consequence of every body part being linked to every other. Thus, treatment in one area affects your whole body in ways that cannot always be predicted

For your information and peace of mind I’ve prepared a guide to what you might expect during and following osteopathic treatment

Responses, Reactions, Advantages And Disadvantages

What Can I Expect From Osteopathic Treatment?

In Treatment

Manuel is qualified osteopath registered with ...

… the General Osteopathic Council, and preferentially uses the cranial approach to osteopathy

This is a very gentle form of treatment, and suitable for people of any age, from newborns to the elderly. It is a very safe form of treatment but there are some facts that you should be aware of:

About Your Osteopathic Session

Osteopaths treat using their hands and will place their hands on various parts of your body. If you feel unhappy with hand contact in any part, you should tell Manuel immediately

Whilst we use our professional skill in doing our utmost to help you with your problems, we cannot guarantee the outcome because every patient is different

Osteopathic treatment affects the whole body, and it is not possible to treat one part in isolation without influencing and changing other parts

Manuel may spend some or all of the session in an area distant from your symptoms. This is because the cause of a problem frequently lies distant to the area of symptoms

During treatment you may feel sensations in various parts of your body. This is usually a feeling of warmth or tingling, or a sense of deep relaxation. Occasionally you may feel some discomfort. You should tell Manuel immediately if you are in pain

It may be helpful during the course of your treatment for the Manuel to inform your GP about areas of your health and treatment or to obtain details about your medical history. Your written consent is required for this

Post Treatment

General Osteopathy

A normal treatment response is for symptoms to change after a treatment, often for up to a week. Normally any new symptoms will be short lived and pass after 2 to 3 days

It is common for old symptoms to reappear temporarily during a course of treatment

If you are in more pain for more than 2 to 3 days after a treatment, or if you are concerned, please contact Manuel for advice

Occasionally a new symptom area develops; this is due to the whole body responding to the treatment

A degree of light-headedness is common after treatment. This is normal and usually lasts a few hours at most

More rarely dizziness may occur after treatment. If this persists for more than 2 to 3 days you should contact Manuel

Babies are usually relaxed settled and sleep well after a treatment, but occasionally they may be unsettled, sometimes severely so. This is temporary, but if it persists for more than 24 hours, again contact Manuel

Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial osteopathy is very low risk because it is so gentle, but no treatment is 100% risk free

In some cases pain may get worse before it gets better

If you are a migraine sufferer, in a small number of cases the treatment will trigger a migraine. It will not cause migraine if you are not a migraine sufferer, although a headache can occur after treatment for a few hours

In a patient with a history of seizures or epileptic fits, although osteopathic treatment is often beneficial in reducing the number of fits, it may trigger a fit after treatment

Rarely tinnitus (ringing in the ears) can be caused by cranial treatment.


Serious Reactions

Serious reactions are extremely rare. Osteopaths are trained to take the utmost care to fully assess the suitability of all interventions to protect you from harm

Osteopathic manipulation is contraindicated in cases of fracture, joint dislocation, tendon and ligament rapture and where disease such as cancer or osteoporosis may weaken bone

Vary rarely osteopathy has been implicated in cases of stroke. This is almost invariably after high velocity mobilization of the neck

Rarely, cranial osteopathic treatment has produced tinnitus, dizziness and migraine in sufferers. Cranial treatment can also trigger a fit in epilepsy sufferers in the short term, although it can help in the longer term


It is important that you tell your osteopath as soon as you know you are pregnant

We know of no evidence to show that osteopathic treatment carries a risk of miscarriage even curing the critical first 12-week period. However Manuel prefers to avoid any forceful manipulation in the first 12 months of pregnancy


Data Protection

Under the Data Protection (1988) Act, we are required to advise you on our Data Protection Policy

As part of the patient record, practitioners are required to retain information for the purpose of consultation for treatment, recording subsequent treatments and for the use by third party medical practitioners only at the request of the patient in writing

All information will be stored for as long as you remain a patient of the clinic and thereafter for a period of 7 years (until the age of 21 for children)

All information provided will be treated as confidential and will not
be shared with any other person or organisation without your written consent

advantages and disadvantages of osteopathy

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a collection of questions often asked by clients. The list is a work in progress and I greatly welcome your contribution

Please submit your question(s) via the contact form

What should I bring to my treatment session?

Please bring with you any documented information you have about your health, such as

  • Xrays / scans
  • Blood, urine and other laboratory tests
  • Letters and reports from your GP, consultant, physio or other health professional
  • A list of medications you’re taking
  • Your own notes on your current and past medical history. eg. a diary of your symptoms, or a list of any diagnoses you’ve been given
How will Manuel examine me?

The assessment is based on taking a history, observation, and hands-on examination

Your consent is required at every stage during examination and treatment

Consent to a procedure is for that occasion only and does not automatically apply on a subsequent occasion


How will Manuel treat me?

Manuel uses a variety of treatment methods including

  • massage
  • joint mobilization
  • acupuncture
  • the cranial approach

He uses the cranial approach preferentially. This is a very gentle, safe and effective form of treatment suitable for all ages and all body regions

What should I wear?

You can wear any combination of loose-comfortable or stretch clothing which doesn’t restrict you movement. Please avoid items such as tight jeans or leathers

Will I need to undress?

Manuel will need to examine you sufficiently to adequately investigate your symptoms and reach a diagnosis to offer you a treatment plan

This does not automatically entail undressing. However, on occasion Manuel may suggest you remove some item of clothing to carry out some vital procedure, following which you will be able to re-dress

If you are not happy about any aspect of undressing please let Manuel know, if possible prior to your session

If you were not aware of this beforehand you’ll be given a chance to reschedule your treatment so you can plan your attire, perhaps bring a chaperone, or maybe consider consulting a different practitioner

Can I bring a friend or family member?

Absolutely: you are more than welcome to bring a chaperone of your choosing so your session is enjoyable and beneficial

What if I am not happy with a proposed intervention?

The use of some procedures, such as acupuncture and high-speed manipulations is not to everyone’s taste

Or you may find that a procedure requires being touched in a place you’re not comfortable with

Manuel will check with you beforehand. Even so, if you decide against it, please let Manuel know immediately

In most cases we can offer you an alternative that’s appropriate, effective and safe

In every case you can take time to consider, even postponing your decision for a future session if necessary

What should I expect after a session?

A normal treatment response is for your symptoms to change after a treatment, often for up to a week

  • occasionally a new symptom area develops; this is due to the whole body responding to the treatment. New symptoms are normally short lived and pass within 2 to 3 days
  • old symptoms may reappear temporarily during a course of treatment
  • light headedness and rarely dizziness can develop after treatment. If dizziness persists for more than a day you should contact Manuel

Manuel will advise on whether he expects a reaction after your treatment, but please note that it can be difficult to predict accurately because every patient reacts differently.

Mum & Baby
How will Manuel treat me during pregnancy?

A normal treatment response is for symptoms to change after a treatment, often for up to a week. Normally any new symptoms will be short lived and pass after 2 to 3 days

It is common for old symptoms to reappear temporarily during a course of treatment

If you are in more pain for more than 2 to 3 days after a treatment, or if you are concerned, please contact Manuel for advice

Occasionally a new symptom area develops; this is due to the whole body responding to the treatment

A degree of light-headedness is common after treatment; this is normal and usually lasts a few hours at most

More rarely dizziness may occur after treatment, if this persists for more than 2 to 3 days you should contact Manuel

Babies are usually relaxed settled and sleep well after a treatment, but occasionally they may be unsettled, sometimes severely so. This is temporary, but if it persists for more than 24 hours, again contact Manuel

How will Manuel treat my baby?

Manuel treat babies almost exclusively using the cranial approach

Examination of joint mobility and function may require gentle, slow movement of the limbs and head-neck

It is best for your baby to be settled and calm during a treatment. A sleeping baby presents the ideal opportunity. Alternatively you can breast or bottle feed your baby during treatment


Is osteopathic treatment safe in early pregnancy?

Manuel prefers the cranial approach at all times, and especially during pregnancy 

We know of no evidence to show that osteopathic treatment carries any risk of miscarriage, even curing the critical first 12-week period

However, Manuel prefers to avoid any forceful manipulation, especially in the first 12 months of pregnancy. It is therefore important that you tell Manuel if you think you may be pregnant, or as soon as you know you are pregnant

Alternatively you may prefer to avoid treatment altogether in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy


Giving Feedback

How do I give feedback about my treatment?

For general questions please contact me via the contact form or call me on +44 7735 448588

To give positive feedback you can leave a testimonial with a star rating on my Google Review page

How do I express concern about my treatment?

If you have a concern about your treatment please contact me by phone on +44 7735 448 588 or in writing via the contact form or email to

I will do my utmost to listen to your concern and offer you ways to bridge any communication gap, apologize and offset any adverse effect with further treatment or referral to a colleague

I take your concerns very seriously and will undertake to learn from the situation to rectify any mistake and prevent such an event happening again in the future

If you are not comfortable speaking to me directly or are not satisfied with the outcome of our conversation you may wish to contact the General Osteopathic Council (Tel +44 20 7357 6655 x224) for information and advice

For your information the Council provides a pdf leaflet How To Raise A Concern About An Osteopath


How do I lodge a formal complaint?

If you wish to lodge a formal complaint please contact the General Osteopathic Council:


  • GOsC web-site
  • GOsC Tel +44 20 7357 6655
  • General Osteopathic Council, Osteopathy House 176 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LU
  • Re. Joseph Manuel Ponce – Ref 1038


The Light Centre
151-153 Clapham Hight Street
London SW4 7SS
Mob +44 7532671343
WhatsApp +44 7735448588


East Of Eden
Studio 1, 14 Hatherley Mews
London E17 4QP
Mob +44 7532671343
WhatsApp +44 7735448588


C/ De Mingo Ramos 22
10200 Trujillo (Ca)

Contact Manuel

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